This is another common characteristic of compulsive gamblers. A lot of time is spent creating images of the great and wonderful things they are going to do as soon as they make the big win. They often see themselves as quite philanthropic and charming people who will provide family and friends with expensive cars, and other luxuries. Compulsive gamblers picture themselves leading a pleasant gracious life, made possible by the huge sums of money they will accrue from their gambling. Large homes, designer clothes, and expensive vacations are a few of the wonderful things that are just around the corner after a big win is finally made.
Pathetically, however, there never seems to be a big enough winning to make even the smallest dream come true. When compulsive gamblers succeed, they gamble to dream still greater dreams. When failing, they gamble in reckless desperation and the depths of their misery are fathomless as their dream world comes crashing down. Sadly, they will struggle back, dream more dreams and of course suffer more misery. No one can convince them that their great schemes will not someday come true. They believe they will, for without this dream world, life for them would not be tolerable.

“The Dream World” is an essay written by a member of Gamblers Anonymous. It is an individual’s personal reflection and experience, and it is not attributed to a specific author in the same way that published works by well-known authors are. The writings in Gamblers Anonymous literature are often contributed by members who share their stories, insights, and reflections on their journey through recovery from gambling addiction. The anonymity of members is a fundamental principle of Gamblers Anonymous, so specific authorship is not typically disclosed.